Thor: Love and Thunder‘s success or failure at the box office for Marvel Studios in 2022 was determined by new statistics.
When Thor 4 first came out, it was immediately attacked for a variety of perceived shortcomings and even received the MCU’s second-lowest audience rating.
This outcry against the superhero comedy directed by Taika Waititi even caused the film to experience one of the biggest week-to-week box office declines in MCU history.
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Was Thor: Love and Thunder a Financial Success?

Thor: Love and Thunder‘s actual box office figures were recently published by Deadline, but was it profitable for Disney and Marvel?
Thor 4 earned a global box office total of $760.9 million after bringing in $343.2 million domestically and $417.6 million abroad. After everything was said and done, Disney’s revenue from the theatrical run came to less than half that amount, at $350 million.
The film’s $855 million box office haul was down by $94 million from Thor: Ragnarok‘s $761,9 million. That can be explained by the fact that Ragnarok made a total of $135.9 million in revenue while Love and Thunder were absent from those regions.
When comparing the two Thor films’ global box office receipts, Love and Thunder actually outperformed Ragnarok in numerous countries, including the US, UK, France, Germany, Spain, Australia, and New Zealand.
Love and Thunder also brought in an additional $140 million from home entertainment and $160 million from TV and streaming arrangements.
Now that Thor: Love and Thunder have earned $650 million in total revenue, was that enough to turn a profit?
The MCU blockbuster’s overall costs included production ($250M), print and advertising ($160M), video charges ($35M), residuals ($27M), interest and overheads ($45M), and participation ($30M).
Thor 4 produced an estimated $103 million in profit when compared to its overall receipts and accumulated expenses, making it far from a failure.
Actor Dwayne Johnson initially provided fake financial information, but it was later discovered that Black Adam made between $52 and $72 million last year. As a result, Love and Thunder have generated up to twice the revenue of its DC opponent.
This revenue is comparable to that of the 2022 horror blockbuster Smile, which Deadline said made $101 million in revenue. Although it brought in $208 million less than Love and Thunder, its expenses were also far cheaper at just $107 million.
Why Thor 4 Really Has a Great Deal of Success

Given that Thor: Love and Thunder have the second-worst audience rating in MCU history, many people were eager to call it a failure. This was made worse by the fact that the movie’s box office performance declined from its predecessor and lagged behind recent hits like Spider-Man: No Way Home and Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.
Yet it’s clear from these numbers that Thor 4 wasn’t a dud. In fact, it probably would have done even better than Ragnarok had it not been for the country’s sanctions against Russia for its invasion of Ukraine and its ban on China.
Disney won’t want to give up on the Thor series or director Taika Waititi anytime soon, given Love and Thunder‘s financial success. Though there hasn’t been much discussion of Thor 5 as of late, the House of Mouse still has huge ambitions for Waititi as he continues to work on his own Star Wars picture for Lucasfilm.
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