A deleted scene from Avengers: Endgame featuring Elizabeth Olsen’s Scarlet Witch and Benedict Cumberbatch’s Doctor Strange has been made public.
Olsen’s Wanda Maximoff more than made up for her absence from the majority of Avengers: Endgame by nearly defeating Thanos by herself.
With one of her Phase 4 MCU adversaries, there were intentions to emphasize her character even further.
The Russo Brothers ultimately left that sequence on the cutting room floor, but it has now been made public.
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The Endgame Sequence as Explained by Elizabeth Olsen

Elizabeth Olsen explains a cut scene from Avengers: Endgame that featured her and Doctor Strange in a video where she breaks down on-set images.
Olsen reveals that it was actually her and Benedict Cumberbatch’s “first time working together” and that they “were doing additional photography” for the 2019 movie:
“I’m not even sure if that appeared in the movie. But while we were shooting extra scenes for “Endgame,” Benedict and I were working together for the first time in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Moreover, they had recently added a scene in which [Doctor Strange] shot a fireball or whatever, and I did the same. I’m not even sure whether it’s there. Yet that was the first time we had ever collaborated.”
Naturally, Benedict Cumberbatch and Elizabeth Olsen would reunite in the 2022 film Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, but this time as rivals.
The next image is really of Wanda in Avengers: Infinity War during one of her most terrible experiences.
Olsen’s face made it impossible for anyone to guess that Thanos, played by Josh Brolin, was actually faking to kill Paul Bettany’s Vision.
The Russo Brothers shared the picture, the WandaVision actress claims, and the “day was filled with tons of tears;” nonetheless, she has no idea what she’s “doing there:”
“I believe that picture was made public by the Russo Brothers. You know, we do a lot of things; today was full of crying and acting out Vision’s demise. And when I believed that my coverage would be through, I felt relieved and – I don’t know what I’m doing here.”
She speculated that she might have served as Bettany’s “off-camera eye line,” but she also said that it was “quite entertaining working on these sets, even in the sad moments:”
“I’m not sure if I’m a camera line for him off-camera, but I didn’t care. I don’t know why I’m grinning. But take a look at Brolin’s attire. Even during the melancholy moments, working on these sets is a lot of pleasure.”
Was the Endgame Scene Something Marvel Should Have Kept?

Even though it didn’t end up in the movie, it’s fascinating to read about the first time Scarlet Witch and Doctor Strange collaborated given what the MCU would hold for them.
Looking back, it was a good idea to keep the sequence because of what would transpire in WandaVision and Doctor Strange 2.
The 2022 movie would have undoubtedly made reference to a scene in which the two were cooperating and added still another depth to their strained relationship.
Getting a look behind-the-scenes is always fascinating because MCU films, and particularly Avengers flicks, are such enormous, star-powered productions, especially when one of the film’s stars can contribute comments.
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