Star of Daredevil: Born Again Charlie Cox revealed one major difference in his upcoming Disney+ series, which could be a reboot of the original Netflix outing.
Many fans hold Cox’s previous show in high regard. When it comes to the old Marvel series lineup, fans almost unanimously rank Daredevil first, with Jessica Jones close behind.
Fans may be irritated by the fact that Born Again will not be “as gory” as the hero’s previous adventures. Cox, on the other hand, thinks Matt Murdock’s stories are best suited for “a slightly more mature audience.”
While some may be disappointed by the lack of gore, Cox has revealed at least one improvement over the previous iteration in the Disney+ (soft?) reboot.
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One Significant Change for Daredevil: Born Again

Daredevil: Born Again star Charlie Cox revealed one major difference between his upcoming Disney+ show and its Netflix counterpart in an interview with GQ Magazine.
When asked if he had already re-established himself as Daredevil, Cox admitted that he hadn’t, but that he is “in the process of preparing for [Born Again production] next year” by “re-reading the [Daredevil] comics from start to finish:”
“No, no. To date, I’ve only had a cameo in Spider-Man and one episode of She-Hulk, which was completely different in tone from anything I’d done before. So, no, I’m currently preparing for next year’s shoot of the show: I’ve re-read the comics from beginning to end, and I’m just getting back into shape for a role like that.”
The actor then revealed that he believes “there’ll be a heavy influence of courtroom stuff” due to the eighteen-episode season, which he believes could be an improvement over Netflix’s adaptation:
“I think there’ll be a heavy influence of courtroom stuff because of the number of episodes they’ve committed to,” says Matt Murdock, the new show’s lawyer. So I’m concentrating my efforts on learning more about this character and his life. It was one of the areas we hadn’t done much research on previously. My accent is probably rusty as well.”
Cox went on to say that he has “recommitted [himself] as if it were a first-time job again,” and that he will never take the role for granted:
“No, I’m super excited. I’m currently preparing for next year and getting back into it. I think it’s important that I don’t just assume that I know that character and just show up and say the lines; I think you have to reinvestigate and recommit yourself as if it were a first-time job again, and that’s how you’ll continue to find the nuance and deepen the character to make the show as good as it can be.”
There Will Be More Matt Murdock

Despite all of the praise for Netflix’s Daredevil, the most common complaint has been that the show never really focused on Matt Murdock’s life as a lawyer.
It was present, but only in fragments. The majority of the show focused on his time as a vigilante. Overall, this is fantastic news.
Putting more emphasis on that aspect of his life will also help establish the stakes when juggling his superhero/lawyer dual life. However, don’t expect his time as Daredevil to suffer as a result of this advancement. It has plenty of time to flesh that out with eighteen episodes.
Not to mention the villains he’ll have to stop, both legally and illegally. Richard Fisk, who could be played by actor Michael Gandolfini, is one of those possibilities.
Matt may even gain new superhero allies, with rumors circulating that the mystical hero White Tiger will join forces with him.
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