Avengers: Infinity War’s 45-minute Thanos sequence was cut, according to the creator.

While Thanos was prominently featured in Avengers: Infinity War, a recent update from the character’s inventor Jim Starlin revealed that a crucial scene wasn’t included in the final edit.

The Avengers attempted to thwart Thanos’ main goal in Infinity War, which was to gather all six Infinity Stones. After using the full force of the Nova Corps on Xandar at the opening of the movie, Thanos already possesses the Power Stone.

The epic battle between the Mad Titan and the Nova Corps over the Power Stone, however, was left out of the MCU threequel.

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Avengers: Infinity War Scene Deleted by Thanos Creator

Avengers Infinity War
Marvel Studios

Creator of Thanos Jim Starlin discussed the Avengers: Infinity War scene starring Josh Brolin’s Mad Titan in an interview with Near Mint Condition.

Screenwriters Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely of Infinity War told Starlin everything that would transpire in the two Avengers movies, so Starlin originally stated that he “had to keep [his] mouth shut” for an entire year and a half:

“It was somewhat amusing. I spoke with one of the directors, Joe Russo, just before “[Avengers:] Infinity War” debuted. Markus and McFeely ran me down this hallway where all the concept paintings were up on the wall when I first arrived on set, and they told me everything about what they were doing in the two movies. I had to keep quiet for a year and a half as a result.

Starlin revealed that one month prior to the release of Infinity War, director Joe Russo sent him an email informing him that the 45-minute scene depicting Thanos “grabbing the first [Infinity Stone]” was omitted from the movie’s opening credits.

It was trimmed because the studio didn’t want to “invest the money on the [visual] effects” and didn’t want it to be as long as Avengers: Endgame, the Marvel Comics writer added.

“But, a month or so before the film’s release, Joe sent me an email or something informing me that the 45 minutes of Thanos that were at the beginning of Infinity War had been trimmed. They had to leave out the entire sequence of him receiving the first gem. They actually shot it, but they never wanted to pay for the special effects or make the movie as long as the second one [Endgame] did. They had no idea it would become as popular as it did.”

It is unclear whether Starlin is exaggerating when he says the sequence lasts 45 minutes. It’s possible that the scene that was actually filmed took less time—perhaps closer to 15 or 20 minutes—than the 45 minutes that were originally intended for the introduction as a whole.

Starlin agreed that Infinity War should have a director’s edit, adding that Marvel had intended to include the protracted scene “for the DVD,” but it never materialized:

“Well, I would love for them to do a director’s cut,” said Near Mint Condition.

Starlin: “Well, whatever. I hope they would. For the DVD, they had intended to do some of that, but they didn’t.”

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Will Marvel Studios Reveal the Cut Xander Scene from Thanos?

Avengers Infinity War
Marvel Studios

It’s sad that the scene showing Thanos’ attempt to steal the Power Stone from the Nova Corps on Xandar was deleted by Marvel Studios.

Although the Mad Titan’s destruction of the planet was alluded to in the dialogue of the Avengers 3 prequel, it would have been thrilling to see the MCU antagonist in all his power right from the start of the film.

Even said, the 45-minute scene might still be present in the archives considering that Starlin acknowledged that they shot the aforementioned sequence.

Given the widespread rumors that a Nova project is in the works, there is a fair probability that the aforementioned scene will be used to introduce the character and better explain the downfall of the Nova Corps and Xandar and Thanos’ rule over the planet.

On the other hand, this cut segment may easily be added if Marvel decides to re-release Infinity War on the big screen at some time or if an expanded version is in the works, providing devoted fans with yet another valuable experience.


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