There are many X-Men characters who fans would love to see appear in the MCU, but which one should Marvel prioritize first?
Nate Moore, a creative executive at Marvel Studios, said that the X-Men in the MCU “could be a few years out” around late 2022. That hasn’t stopped the universe from teasing mutant-focused content, either.
Kamala Khan in Ms. Marvel’s conclusion represented the first time an MCU project officially acknowledged the existence of a mutant. Then Namor was nonchalantly revealed to be one in Black Panther: Wakanda Forever.
Even if the X-Gene integration is still in its early stages, the MCU should give attention to a few very particular characters going forward.
Marvel Studios should put X-Men first.

It’s advisable to start with three significant honorable mentions before moving on to the main part of our list: Erik Lehnsherr aka Magneto, Charles Xavier aka Professor X, and James Howlett aka Wolverine.
These aren’t on the main list; why not? They will almost probably make the cut because they are clear selections for Marvel Studios to include.
But who knows—perhaps Marvel will astonish everyone and give those wildly famous characters some breathing room once their previous actors probably give Avengers: Secret Wars their farewell performance.
It would be interesting to explore the idea of an adult X-23 if Marvel Studios throws a curveball and decides against reinventing characters like Wolverine.
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1. Cyclops

Cyclops is a fascinating character in the mythology of the franchise. Even though the character has been in almost every X-Men film too far, many fans believe the movies have not done him credit.
Marvel can now make Scott Summers into the mutant leader he was always intended to be thanks to the MCU.
This may ultimately result in the Cyclops’ fall from grace when his reckless behavior turns him into a pariah in the eyes of the general populace. In the end, he even forms his own team in addition to breaking away from the X-Men.
He also locates the Pheonix Force at one point and makes an effort to harness its power. He kills Professor Xavier personally when things don’t go his way.
The prolonged continuous storytelling of the MCU is the finest venue for making all of Scott’s potential character work come to life on screen.
2. Jean Grey

Due to Jean Grey’s significance and similarity to other well-known mutants, it would be difficult for the MCU to exclude her.
The main distinction is that Marvel Studios may decide to postpone introducing the Pheonix Force.
There have been two live-action adaptations of that particular narrative, both of which have received very negative reviews. Marvel Studios truly needs to earn that plot, even if it is nearly certain to happen eventually given the recent failures.
The love triangle between Wolverine, Scott, and Jean has been overdone at this point, so the MCU should attempt to make her significant outside of those relationships.
3. Storm

It’s difficult to imagine a scenario in which Storm isn’t one of the first X-Men to appear in the MCU. She is a pillar of the team’s roster.
Her ties to Wakanda may be one aspect of the character that makes Marvel Studios’ interpretation of her distinct. In the comics, she had a previous marriage to T’Challa and assumed the role of queen of the now-iconic fictitious state.
Given the King’s passing, it is obvious that a straight adaptation of those specifics is not really feasible. There are, however, still a lot of original ways to connect the character to Wakanda.
By creating some type of connection between Ororo Munroe and T’Challa’s son, Marvel Studios might be able to commemorate her relationship with Chadwick Boseman’s hero. She might wind up serving as the boy’s mentor in some way.
4. Kitty Pryde

The ideal likable main mutant for the MCU audience to use as a platform for learning about the X-Gene is Kitty Pryde. She would be a breath of new air on the team because of her power set (phasing through objects), which is entertaining to add in most circumstances.
She and her small purple dragon pal Lockheed, who actually had an appearance alongside Magik in New Mutants, both deserve a more accurate and shining spotlight because of her past film appearances, which weren’t all that spectacular.
Marvel Pictures might examine Star-relationship Lord’s with Kitty if Chris Pratt’s character survives Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 unscathed. In the comics, she was once a part of his team, and they had a quick cosmic romance.
5. Iceman

The potential that many of these mutant characters still have is a recurring subject on this list.
What makes Iceman so unique then? Well, for starters, the fact that he is an Omega-level mutation may surprise some people. He has entangled himself with Celestials, actually frozen over portions of Hell itself (did someone say Mephisto? ), and has molecular control over his abilities.
Then there’s Iceman’s comic book character, which was recently expanded to include the information that the character is gay. In particular, this modification was made in 2015’s All-New X-Men #40. Bobby’s inclusion in the initial round of mutants in the MCU may be a significant step toward more diversity among superheroes.
The character also possesses a set of visually distinctive abilities that could help change up the action onscreen.
6. Polaris

The magnetic field-controlling Polaris, who was previously the star of her own program (Fox’s late series The Gifted), continues to be an absurdly obscure figure in X-Men mythology.
Which is extremely strange, especially given that she is Magneto’s child.
Her inclusion in the MCU might be the ideal move. Although Wanda and Pietro may have formerly been known to be the offspring of the renowned X-Men villain, it is unlikely that Marvel will ever retcon that relationship.
Instead, artists can focus all of that emphasis on Polaris and give her the intricate character work and the compelling story she deserves.
7. Gambit

For years, Channing Tatum has advocated for the role of Gambit. Even more bizarre than the actor’s dream project failing to materialize is the fact that the character has as of yet never appeared in a live-action X-Men adaptation.
Remy LeBeau seems like an obvious choice for Marvel Studios to focus on, given how well-liked the energizing card-throwing character is and the fact that he’s a core cast member of the adored X-Men: The Animated Series.
He can also be utilized in conjunction with the following mutant in this list to further develop their special flirtatious dynamic.
8. Rogue

Even though Anna Paquin played the role in the live-action adaptation of Rogue, the character wasn’t quite faithful to the original.
Compared to her more recognizable Southern belle characteristics, she was shown with a lot more gothic influence. Now is the opportunity to rectify that and adjust how she is perceived by larger audiences.
Marvel may even discuss the character’s incredibly complicated and unusual backstory, which involves Carol Danver’s Captain Marvel (hint: the cosmic hero is the reason Rogue is able to fly in the first place).
9. Magik

Illyana Rasputina, called Magik, is at least one character that Marvel Studios should attempt to salvage despite the fact that New Mutants may not have been a strong movie and that it horribly wasted its roster of characters.
The Mutant is adept with Limbo’s dark magic and has the ability to teleport through time and space.
Illyana would be the ideal bridge to join the realm of the mutants with the ethereal side of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Who wouldn’t want to watch Limbo itself being explored on film, too?
She is also related to Colossus, a beloved X-Men character who had important appearances in both Deadpool and Deadpool 2.
Future Mutant Characters in the MCU
The X-extremely Men’s large story collection is what makes them so bizarre. The franchise has a staggering range of characters, and their mythos is so vast that they could easily fill their own Marvel Cinematic Universe with simply mutant adventures.
While some people might believe that the MCU has reached its conclusion, if Marvel Studios incorporates the X-Men, it will actually seem like the MCU is just getting started.
Fans shouldn’t be shocked if the upcoming MCU projects fall under the Mutant Saga even if they may now be under the Multiverse Saga.
It goes without saying that moviegoers are growing impatient while waiting for the X-Men, which Jennifer Walters helped KEVIN at Marvel Studios understand very clearly.
The lengthy wait should have been well worth it.
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